2013. január 29., kedd

Lavender Cookbook – All is Lavender

Much to the delight of lavender lovers everywhere, we will be now publishing our lavender cookbook entitled “All is Lavender”. The book is full of all kinds of lavender recipes and enticing photos from soups to pastries, drinks and meat dishes to desserts. The book starts off with an introduction for the readers from the Benedictine monk of Tihany, Father Domonkos. The book itself is highly unique and a real treasure trove of recipes, with an elegant, representative design that would surely enrich your range of books! Its rich content makes it perfect for festive occasions or as a gift – it is a truly one of a kind publication! For further information, please visit our website: http://www.halmosmonika.hu/index.php/component/content/article/1-friss-hirek/30-hamarosan-levendulas-szakacskoenyv
B/6 size (125 x 176 millimeters), 4+4 colors, hardcover, 48 pages, 25 recipes and colored photographs
Tranlated: Steve Bratina
 English, German and Russian version of the book
The volume will shortly be followed by our violet and rose cookbooks! We're looking forward to your order!

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